Saturday, March 14, 2009

In India

Hi everyone! I know I haven't been keeping this updated at all. Sorry, but its so busy here all the time, and I don't have much computer access. And it's a pretty busy right now, so sadly this entry is going to be short and no pictures...
We've been having a great time over here! The weather is getting pretty hot. A few days ago there was a reverse monsoon, since it was heating up too fast there was too much moisture in the air and there was a huge thunder storm. It was so amazing because we hadn't seen rain in over 2 months.
For the last month our schedule has basically been wake up at 6, do an hour of Yoga and 45 minutes of meditation, then breakfast at 8. Then we all go off to our seperate jobs from 9-1 and then lunch and from 2-5:30ish we have group activities or seminars or something, Then Dinner at 6:30 and sometimes more activites in the evening. Busy, Busy, Busy! I've been working at a nearby farm called Windarra. It's been so fun (and really sweaty)! I was working with 7 Tamil people and 1 german guy. The farm is based off of Rudolph Steiners biodynamic agriculture principles. Basically its an organic farm that functions as a system, trying not to require any outside imputs, and things like the moon phases, earth rotation, planetary positions are taken into account for the actions of the farm. Its really interesting and it seems to work really well! (Dad, you might want to think about it... I'll school you when I get home). I got along really well with the workers. They took me to a local festival and invited me to meals at their houses. At one point I'm pretty sure they were trying to set up a marriage between me and one of their sons. Kind of awkward, but I've really mastered being awkward since I've been here. hahaha. I am done working there now. We are leaving tonight for three weeks of travel, mostly in Kerala. We are going first to an Ashram where we will be doing a yoga bootcamp! We have an 8 day regimented program. Each day we have 4 hours of yoga class, 2 hours of meditation and in between we have lectures and service work and 2 meals a day. hahaha! I'm surprisingly excited for this! Its going to be so intense. They have a very strict dress code and lots of rules including: no onions, eggs, or garlic, no non-spiritual reading materials, no hugging in public, no talking during meals or class times, etc... It'll be quite an experience. After the ashram we are taking a ferry through the backwaters and going to a wildlife reserve. We are also camping in Kodai and going to AmmaChis ashram.
Auroville in general has been really... interesting. I go through phases of love and hate. This place is amazing, contradictory, confusing, odd, intriguing, and so many more adjectives. Theres are so many great things being done here, and I am constatly meeting unbelievable people. Much of my lifestyle is being questioned while I'm here, which is good, but can be pretty upsetting at the same time.

Well, thats all I have time for right now, but I will update when we are back from travel.
Hope everyone at home is doing great!
