Saturday, January 3, 2009

Curry, ladyboys and tuk-tuks

Wow, so this is my belated first post. It's been a crazy couple of days. Our trip started out quite ominously. First of all, Kelly lost her passport the day before we were planning to drive up to Seattle (not too surprising for her), so we had to book it up there and get her a replacement. Then the dog ran off (which has never happened before), and then on the freeway we encountered a flying mattress (literally) which we ended up driving over at 70mph... fun stuff.

But all said and done, we've made it here safe. The plane rides were good, 12 hours form Seattle to Incheon and then 6 hours to Bangkok. Kelly, for God knows why, chose the Kosher meal option. So everytime they were serving food they first had to bring it to her so she could open the packaging for inspection and approval. Yeah, she would. This will be our second night in Bangkok. The first night worked out great, we met a few people in the airport and all shared a van into the city. The driver taught us some Thai phrases, and also let us know how happy the Thai people are about Americas future with Barrack Obama! We rented a room just off Khoa san for 430THB ~$4 a person... pretty cheap for a private room with bathroom. After dropping off our bags we headed out to Khoa san for some food and drink. We got some amazing pad thai for about 60 cents (haven't gotten sick from street food yet...) and tested out the local thai beer selection. Then finally, about 4:30 am headed for bed.

This morning we had some fruit and green curry for breakfast and then got a cab to drop of Kelly and Kendras body bag at a storage unit. By the way, streets here are insane! It's kind of similar to Moroccan traffic, cars, bikes, motorcycles and buses all over the place cutting each other off and going as fast as they can to make a red light... and apparently it's completely legal, yet spitting in the street can get you arrested, makes sense eh. Then we got a little lost searching for the metro, finally ended up on the sky tram to check out the weekend market. The Market was Massive! You can buy anything there. You could easily spend a day walking around and not have time to see it all. We didn't buy much, since we don't want to pack it around. But, I did try out some fried grasshoppers! Can't say I'm a fan. Got Kelly to try them too (picture), but Kendra refused! Oh, hahaha and we ended up wandering into the pet area of the market and they had squirrels for sale! so random. After that we took the subway to the train station. We bought out tickets for tomorrows night train to Surat Thani. The 1st and 2nd class tickets were all completely sold out so we ended up buying 3rd class... lol, Kendra is going to hate me for this decision. It will be a 13 hour overnight ride on wooden benches. Should be pretty fun right!

After that we got lost again, and according to the locals expressions we were not supposed to be where we were. But eventually we made it out to the river and we hopped on a boat to chinatown. We bought some oranges and wandered around for a while. Then we got a cab back here for dinner (more pad thai). Now we are exhausted and cant wait for bed. I think we've gotten about 7 hours of sleep in the last few days... so on that note, goodnight.



  1. Seriously jealous... well, except for the kosher meal and the grasshoppers. I will be vicariously eating curry through your trip.

    ~Cousin-in-law Chris

  2. Carly,
    Was wondering if you got off ok and were going to use the blog. Great to see your first post. Let me know if I can help in any way with the blog and have a super time.

  3. Keep the blogs a coming! xox Mom
